Commander Upgrades



Commander Upgrades: Raising Commander Level increases the Commander's attributes, as well as the number of troops they can lead


1.  Use EXP items to raise your Commander Level.

2.  EXP Items can be obtained by attacking Rebel Camps and Exile Fortresses, as well as earned from various quests.

3.  Raising your Nobility Rank unlocks higher Commander Level caps.

4.  A Commander's level determines their Equipment Level and Skill Level caps.


    Evolving Commanders Raising Commander Star Level increases the Commander's attributes, as well as the number of troops they can lead


1.  Increasing a Commander's Star Level requires consumption of corresponding Commander Medals.

2.  Commander Medals can be obtained from Astrological Prophecy, Holy Prophecy, Main Quests, Discount Packs, Exile Fortresses, and Rebel Camps.

3.  Commander Star Level determines the number of General Skills that can be attached, the higher their Star Level, the more General Skills that can be attached.


    Commander Skills: Commander Skills are divided into Talent Skills and General Skills,


1.  Talent Skills: Talent Skills can determine the development direction of a Commander's skills, and these skills cannot be changed.

2.  General Skills: General Skills can be freely assigned to Commanders according to the Commander's position or your own preferences.

3.  Crafting Skills: Skill Fragments can be combined to craft a skill.

4.   Learning Skills: The same Commander cannot learn a repeated skill.

5.  Forgetting Skills: Learned skills can be forgotten, after which the kill and an EXP item corresponding to the current skill level.

6.  Upgrading Skills: The level cap for Commander Skills is controlled by the Commander Level, the higher the Commander Level, the higher the Commander Skill's level cap will be.

7.  Obtaining Skills: General Skills can be obtained from Skill Study in the Observatorium.



    Commander Equipment: Commander Equipment increases a Commander's attributes and attribute bonuses, the higher the level the greater the bonuses


1.  Equipment Components: Each Commander can equip up to 4 pieces of equipment, the higher the Commander Level, the more equipment they can wear

2.  Crafting Equipment: Crafting equipment consumes corresponding Equipment Shards and Forge Powder

3.  Upgrading Equipment: Upgrading equipment consumes corresponding Equipment Shards and Forge Powder, the higher the equipment's level, the more materials it will need and the higher material quality it will require, but the corresponding attributes will also get a greater increase

4.  Equipment Promotion: Promoting equipment consumes Forge Drawings and Minting Codexes, the higher the equipment's quality, the more materials it will need, but the corresponding attributes will also get a greater increase

5.  Set Bonuses: Set bonuses will be activated once 4 pieces of equipment reach the specified level, the higher the set level, the greater the attribute bonus

6.  Obtaining Materials: Materials for crafting and upgrading equipment can be obtained by attacking Rebel Camps, while materials for promoting equipment can be obtained by rallying against Exile Fortresses



    Commander Bonds: When two Commanders with Bond relations are sent into battle or deployed at the same time, they will each receive corresponding Bond bonuses


    Commander Attributes: Commander Attributes are divided into Basic Attributes and Detailed Attributes, which will receive corresponding bonuses when the Commander is sent into battle or deployed